Hacked billboards protest Shell’s dodgy PR tactics in climate protest ahead of London AGM

15 May 2024

Activists install a billboard featuring an older, bald man with the slogan "Unlivable aFuture. That sounds like a you problem.'

Press contact: Tona Merriman, +447547320072, brandalism.project@gmail.com Oil giant Shell’s tobacco-style PR tactics have been targeted in a guerrilla billboarding action across London, Manchester and other core UK cities in the run up to Shell’s AGM in London. In the clandestine operation, Brandalism activists replaced more than 200 commercial adverts on billboards, bus stops and tube carriages with satirical artworks protesting Shell’s efforts to “fast track the apocalypse”, as shareholders prepare to vote on Shell’s weak climate strategy. Activists and artists…

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Shell and BP slammed for poor workers’ rights in Aberdeen guerilla billboard campaign

23 May 2022

An unauthorised poster campaign from the ‘Brandalism’ network appeared in bus stop and billboard advertising spaces in Aberdeen on 22 May 2022. The posters featuring BP and Shell, installed without permission, coincide with Shell’s upcoming AGM in London and Offshore Energy UK’s conference on North Sea Transition Deal in Aberdeen. The billboards take aim at the exploitation of workers and the climate by BP and Shell while making millions in profits through continued fossil fuel production. 75% of offshore workers…

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Barclays #FossilBank – revealing the true role of Barclays in the climate crisis

21 Sep 2021

Activists have hijacked ad spaces in 20 UK towns and cities to highlight Barclays’ continued funding of fossil fuels and deforestation, in the run up to COP26 As Barclays prepares to announce a new climate policy, more than 200 mock adverts have been installed at billboards and bus stops across the UK. The spoof ads spotlight Barclays’ role in financing climate breakdown, adding to growing public pressure for big banks to clean up their act.  Dubbed ‘the dirtiest bank in…

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Advertising Shits In Your Head – A (Critical) Book Review, Finally…

27 Jan 2018

Advertising Shits In Your Head – Book Review   Below is one of the most intriguing, critical reviews of Dog Section Press’ Advertising Shits In Your Head, the recent underground (only 1000 copies printed) publication on the emerging subvertising movement. You can read the words from Graffiti Review below, pulled from their original article entitled ‘Changing The Urban Wallpaper’ which as published in January 2018. Hopefully their analysis of subvertising and the socio-political aspects attached to the practice will inspire…

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Brandalism Showreel – 2017

10 Dec 2017

  Enjoy a short roundup of some of our previous interventions, actions and projects. Here’s to more #Brandalism in 2018 and beyond. #Advertisingshitsinyourhead

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Brandalism Exhibit @ ‘Cultural HIjack’, ARCHIP Institute, Prague

26 Jun 2017

‘Cultural Hijack; the poetics of resistance and the politics of space’ Architectural Institute in Prague 24th June 2017 – 9th September 2017 Brandalism have been invited to exhibit works alongside some of the world’s most influential interventionist artists at the Architectural Institute in Prague, Czech Republic. Cultural Hijack explores the role of activist art and public intervention as practices of resistance across the landscapes of contemporary crisis.  Combining exhibition and live interventions throughout the city, Cultural Hijack brings together international…

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Advertising Shits In Your Head – Book Review by Rob Hopkins, Co-founder, Transition Network

09 Mar 2017

Advertising Shits In Your Head – A Book Review by Rob Hopkins, Co-founder, Transition Network I first came across this book when I became one of the 202 people who supported the crowdfunder that enabled it to be published, purely on the basis that any book with that particular title deserves to be published.  The book itself arrived the other day, and it’s fantastic (you can either read the whole thing free online here, or buy it here).  But why,…

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Subvertising – Art as Activism: 3 Interviews, 3 Perspectives

26 Feb 2017

Subvertising – Art as Activism Vyvian Raoul brings us three exclusive interviews with the subvertising artists featured in a new book on the contemporary subvertising movement entitled ‘Advertising Shits In Your Head’. You’ll have seen subvertising popping up everywhere recently, from co-ordinated campaigns against advertising and the state to individual artists taking autonomous action, like Hogre. Campaigning groups are also using the technique to make political points, whether about the UK government’s inhumane deportation system or the lack of recognition…

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Brandalism Exhibition @ European Green Party Summit, Brussels

06 Feb 2017

  European Ideas Lab – Brussels, February 2nd – 5th, 2017 The European Ideas Lab aims at bringing together changemakers from all over Europe. Everyday activists, civil society organisations, citizens’ movements, artists and Green innovators come from different backgrounds and fields but share the same objective: bring a positive change in society. Brandalism was approached in late 2016 by the European Green Party and asked to curate an exhibition of artworks to engage European MEP’s, civil society members and activists…

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Brandalism awarded Italian UNESCO Commission ‘Cambiamenti Climatici’ Grand Jury award, Venice

01 Dec 2016

    Brandalism receive ‘Grand Challenge’ 2016 Award In October 2016, Brandalism was selected to receive the Commissione Nazionale Italiana UNESCO 2016 ‘Grand Challenge’ jury award as part of the annual ‘International Contest of Communication and Creativity’ from the Università Ca’ Foscari’s in Venice, Italy. The international award recognises outstanding creative contributions towards climate change orientated communications initiatives. The competition jury recognises Brandalism’s COP21 Climate Talks intervention as making a substantial contribution towards ethical communications around the issue of climate…

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Brandalism in Brussels to Protest TTIP-CETA Free Trade Deals

01 Nov 2016

Brandalism In Brussels To Protest TTIP-CITA Free Trade Deals Over 80 artworks were installed in bus stop advertising spaces in Brussels this morning ahead of mass protests expected this week against the CETA and TTIP free trade deals. The artist collective responsible for the action ‘Brandwashing’ was inspired by a similar ‘Brandalism’ project during United Nations COP21 climate talks in 2015 in Paris.  ‘Brandwashing’ aim to hightlight the links between advertising, corporate lobbying and the power of multinationals.    …

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Brandalism Exhibit @ 25th International Poster Biennale Warsaw

10 Jun 2016

The 25th International Poster Biennale in Warsaw     ‘The Poster Remediated’ Poster Museum at Wilanów Curator: David Crowley 12 June – 25 September 2016   In recent years there has been a lot of talk of the death of the poster. Printed images pasted up on walls will, we are told, be replaced by screens with lively animated images; urgent messages are now communicated by social media. This is not, however, the death of the poster but its remediation.…

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Brandalism – A Media Sculpture (Published today)

24 Jul 2012

Brandalism – Establishing Media Sculpture Our team has been actively seeding press organisations and media outlets for the past week in order to prepare the ground for what we hope will be the first manifestation of  a ‘Media Sculpture’. As the press interest in the Brandalism project picked up, and coverage started to be generated on a broad range of media and press platforms, the final intervention for the Brandalism project  project was installed in London and covertly filmed by Reuters…

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